Why Choose iWG
24/7 Access to our Online Dashboard
• Keep track of your goals in real time
• Put all of your Financial Accounts in one area
• Keep track of your spending and Net Worth
• Use the "Play Zone" to make positive changes

One Client, One Advisor
• A Dedicated Financial Planner just for you
• A Comprehensive Annual Review meeting
• 24/48 Hr Response Rate outside of meetings
• Create a Customized Plan that fits your needs
A Comprehensive Financial Plan
• Investment Analysis & Recommendations
• Insurance Analysis & Recommendations
• Budgeting, Debt Management, College Planning
• Basic Estate Plan Strategy

Straight Forward Pricing!
What's Your Desired Level of Guidance?
All Essential Level Plus...
1 Additional Semi-Annual Review Meeting
Account Aggregation: Put all of your accounts in one secure place for easy visibility.​​
Investment Accounts, Credit Cards, Loans, etc...
* 10% Discount for Active Investment Management...​​
Originally 1% | Now 0.9%​
*After recommendations are provided by the Financial Advisor all investments must be made by the client. For more information on Active Investment Management click on Fee Details.
Additional Services

Active Investment Management
We can help you invest with the following accounts:
401k Rollovers
TRS, 403b & ORP
Traditional & Roth IRA's
Also, Business Retirement Accounts:
SEP's​, SIMPLE's, Solo 401k's, and others. Inquire for more info.
*Click button below for fee details

Insurance Solutions
We offer the following Solutions:
Term Life Insurance
Permanent Life Insurance
​*We are compensated by the insurance company and don't charge additional fees to you for the insurance solution.
Process Overview
What to expect when you work with us

Attend Virtual Meeting
Once you schedule your Virtual Consultation you will receive a welcome email with next steps.

Schedule & Attend Recommendation Meeting
In this meeting you will receive the Financial Planner's recommendations that will help you reach financial success.

Attend Comprehensive Annual Review
When you complete a full year, you and your Financial Planner will have a comprehensive review. Recommendations will be assessed based on your personal circumstances.
What's included with the $49/month subscription?
With the Entry Level Plan you will receive 24/7 Access to our online dashboard along with the ability to email our Financial Planners with questions/concerns outside of scheduled meetings. In addition you also get 1 Annual Comprehensive Financial Plan covering, a new Risk Score, Investment & Insurance Analysis, and Basic Estate Planning.
What Can We Help You With?
For more info fill out the form or call us at 210-569-7300